Like tattoos for women, especially in the back area, becoming more and more popular, is it true that women who have lower back tattoos, can not have an epidural to help with the delivery of their baby, and what the dangers of hanging out with tattooed back if any?
Once again this has hit the news, and just like in the past, has panicked many women who have tattoos and got pregnant again.
There is actually very little information is available because so little research had been done. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is doing some research about the ink used in tattoos.
According to obstetrician and gynecologist Roger Harms Mayo Clinic, MD, most pregnant women who have lower back tattoos can receive epidurals, s. unless the fresh tattoo and cover large areas, in other words, the skin is still healing.There been very little study on tattoos for women in the back area there are actually very few studies about tattoos in general, and there is little conclusive evidence indicating an increased risk of infection.
Where there are only three bones could be given an epidural. They are the L1, L2, and L3. This is also the area where the tattoo re-positioned. Most anesthesiologists will give an epidural block for pregnant women with lower back tattoos, and if possible will choose an area without a tattoo needle to inject.

Does that mean that some doctors still refuse to manage epidural, sad yes, if they believe that practice can be harmful or dangerous to the woman, then they can and will refuse to give an epidural, even though the information to the contrary. Many medical practitioners will err on the cautious side rather than risk the health of women with back tattoos.
If you have a tattoo that used to be a good idea for the article discussing different options with your doctor before the birth of your baby, and if you are planning to get tattoos to celebrate the arrival of new, why not consider wait until after the birth, again, discuss this with your doctor.
Pub Med, Mayo Clinic and BME concludes that there is no evidence to support the dangers of tattoos and epidurals,

If you have a tattoo is something you really want to do but worry about the risks for you and your baby, so why not try a boyfriend, girlfriend has been used by women in the Middle East, especially Egypt for thousands and thousands of years, and is believed to bring luck baik during pregnancy, and can last up to four weeks. If you decide to go this direction, note that you do not use black henna. Black boyfriend is a very dangerous substance and should not be used, ever, so stay with the safe and beautiful orange and brown hennas.